Monday 12 December 2011

Mirena...the trigger of all this?????

Well I was feeling OK and upbeat and looking forward to working on improving. We had friends coming to stay for the weekend to attend a wedding - and we were looking after their nearly 3 year old son.
Our room needed to be prepared for their stay - change sheets on the bed and set up a bed for their son. I undertook that task and cleaned the rest of the house as well. It was good to get the exercise! But.......I couldn't wind down afterwards...I found myself unable to sit still. I was extremely agitated and it freaked me out. My husband and son were out at a birthday party. I thought I might have been feeling apprehensive because our friend is a Clinical Psychologist. I took an 8th of a Clonazepam and by the time they arrived I had calmed down somewhat.

Sunday morning had attack on way to taking our son to his swimming lesson. Husband wondering if it is all due the Mirena because all the nausea and retching started within two months of having that inserted. But I've brought this up with two GPs and the Gyn and they've all said it is unlikely. I'm not so sure - why is all this happening for the most part in the second part of the month? We're waiting for the perimenopause blood tests and will see if that yields anything. And I'm going to have the Mirena removed anyway. I've read heaps of reports of it exacerbating panic and depression - even triggering it some women who have never had panic or depression before. And then there are the weight gain, nausea and vomiting side effects and mild period like pain for the second part of the month. oh BINGO!!!!!!

Anyway - had a hormone sick like headache all day and still have it this morning.....and you know what I'm like about headaches?! My throat feels irritated too but that could be from the vomiting, retching and heartburn stuff. Although freaking that I'm getting the sore throat that some of the Mums have and that this sore throat and headache will kill me.

So I had a huge Panic attack on the way to taking our son to school. I was sitting in the car parked nearby crying and crying and probably hyperventilating. A woman across the road signalled to me - asking if I was OK.  ***** was being so sweet and trying to help me, rubbing my back - telling me I'd be OK and it will get better and he loves me :/  Then the woman across the road came over and hugged me - she clearly knew what was happening. Turns out she has experienced one such attack - she didn't know what it was but was in the hospital at the time. She helped me walk my son in to school and to make sure I was OK to get back home. So very kind - restored my faith in human nature :)

Here are a few of the Mirena effects reported by women:

Back pain
Weight increase
Breast pain/tenderness
Abdominal/pelvic pain
Decreased libido
Abdominal distension
Altered mood/Depression
Suicidal Thoughts
Respiratory Problems(bronchitis, mono, asthma, etc.)
Pain in fingers, hands, arms, legs, etc.
Tingling and Vibration in various parts of the body
Heart PalpitationsInsomnia
Thyroid problems

and much more...

That's can't do any harm to have it removed - I'm booked in for tomorrow...can't wait

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