Wednesday 13 June 2012

Recalcitrant upper-mid back pain - argghhhhhh

My fuckin' mid-upper back is unbearable today. I can't escape it....tried cracking it on the floor....stretching, hanging from the door frames (not upside down), pain killers - you name it. I've been seen to writhe around on the floor trying to free up 'the spot'. I've screamed into a pillow. I've been for a walk. I'm popping it in and out. This has been going on for more than 10 years. Most days I can just cope with it; then every so often I think 'enough' there must be something that can be done.

I'm writhing around in my chair now. Twisting as far as I can to my left...then my right. No cracking noises today - got it to crack yesterday. Arggghhhh maybe it is worse or less tolerable premenstrually??!!!

I've been to physios, chiros, osteos, masseuses, acupuncturists, swimming, yoga, had deep heat rubbed in, used hot water bottles. The only relief has been obtained from chiropractors (average of three days relief), acupuncturists (a week of relief), massage (few days) and swimming (pretty good if I keep it up). Hmmm.....had better start up the swimming again! Time to trim down or get anew pair of togs (and a bikini line wax).


  1. I know how painful it was having an upper back pain or whatever it is because I just experienced it last week. I just put some pain reliever on the affected area and do some exercise stuffs.

  2. week's experience....try 15 years.

  3. I know this post is old; hope you read it. I've been having, which sounds like the same pain for at least a couple years now. I doesn't occur everyday, but its definitely noticeable more days than not; cracking and everything as you say, feels better whenever it does. I don't know exactly what it is personally, but all the research of done from time to time I would believe it could be a mass of some sort, though I haven't had it checked by a doctor or anything, it seems the only probable thing. This has been quite a wake-up call for me, as I'm a smoker, not tobacco admittedly, but smoke is smoke and is quite unforgiving. I'm pretty sure its not a menstrual thing as you have mentioned, as I'm male. How old are you, do you smoke as well, and have you had a doctors opinion?

  4. I have had the same problem for several years now
