Friday 22 June 2012

Teacher update

I managed to have a talk with my son's teacher and it was all very positive and I'm so relieved I went. I also need to apologise for all my ranting here. However, in saying that - I not completely convinced that the children aren't being reprimanded inappropriately at times.

***** (most people I know seem to have five letters in their name) had been being particularly difficult the past couple of weeks, climbing around under tables and distracting the rest of the class. Not sitting still, not looking at here when she was talking and appearing to not be listening (and it is so frustrating when he does that because he damn well comes up with the answers when questioned - so he hears everything) While she couldn't recall the incident I witnessed she felt that I hadn't seen it in context. She was really upset to think that I was upset by what I saw and didn't want me thinking she was in anyway singling him out or mean-spirited. I had to admit to her I was thinking that.

She thanked me for my being open and coming to see her and I must say I found her very approachable and accommodating about it all - she was in no way defensive. And we came up with a plan for dealing with ***** behaviour and boredom. An individual reward system has been implemented for each child in the class and we're using a star-chart book to reinforce ***** in class.

I did get a reply from the 'third party' (after I'd spoken with the teacher) and this is the gist of it:

"I can honestly say I have never witnessed any unfair treatment of ***** in the time I've been doing
parent help. I have seen ***** be firm with ***** but then I've seen her do the same with ***** and the other kids as well. It has never struck me as unfair or isolating him out in anyway. I'd certainly say if I thought otherwise as Id hate for ***** to be in that situation and not be told."

So now I'm going to take everything I hear with a pinch of salt and try not to be Anxiety Girl and jump to the worst conclusions in a single bound! Sigh.....

Lesson learned.

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