Wednesday 16 May 2012

PhD suspension - stinkin' head cold - and still with the hCG

Had a very constructive and beneficial meeting with my PhD Supervisors and DH. Upshot is that I am going to suspend my PhD until I am well enough to continue. My best option seems to be to suspend for one year although I can return whenever I feel I am well enough. I am to act as if this is a withdrawal though - in that I give up my office, return text books things like that - so that I am forced to have a complete break and not be thinking about what I think I 'should be' doing. Makes sense.
In the meantime I've come down with a stinking head cold that I just can't seem to shake.....I guess I'm so run down that I'll be prone to picking up everything that is going around for a while. Multivitamins and minerals here I come. Getting cold sores (haven't had one for over ten years) and styes in my eyes too - sure signs of being run down.

I still have sore breasts and I'm still spotting exactly three weeks to the day since the D and C. Since I still have sore breasts and my bras and jeans still don't fit again I decided - mainly out of curiosity - to take a home pregnancy test. Guess what? Still positive. Got myself into a bit of a panic that this may mean that I'm still retaining pregnancy tissue. I called the Womens' Assessment Unit and explained the situation - hCG can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to reach undetectable levels especially if they were high to begin with - and mine were - 75000 IU/ ul

Explains the sore breasts and tingling nipples.....thank God I don't have morning sickness anymore. And I'm still getting the proctalgia fugax/levator ani or whatever it is. That pain started when I fell pregnant and was particularly bad immediately after the D and C so I wonder if it has more to do with my uterus or cervix or pelvic floor than my anus or rectum??!!! Ah well I've got a check up with my GP tomorrow - might even be free if I can give a positive pregnancy test!!!

I just want all this ill health and these upsets to end - please God haven't I suffered enough over the past year???!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you 'anonymous/David Lee' for bringing that to my attention. I shall remove the image. However, I found the comment to be aggressive in its wording. Perhaps it would have been better to write soemthing like this:

    Dear 'SonniSonn' I am not sure that you are aware that your image of the Humber Bridge is subject to copyright and as such should be removed from your blog. Kind regards ?????

    In addition - please note that there are numerous blogs and other sites appearing, when one searches google images, with the same image:,r:4,s:0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=a0ceffd501f8ac9c&biw=1440&bih=698
