Tuesday 7 February 2012

Root Canal

Yesterday I ended up visiting an after hours emergency dentist (public holiday - Waitangi Day)....the day before I bit down on a soft apricot and brandy ball and found that I had bits of tooth in my mouth. I did think it might have been desiccated coconut at first but the pieces were way too hard for that even though about the same size! I flossed and managed to get more tooth out - tooth with brown stains on the end.

That tooth (my second premolar) has been sore since before Christmas.....I was putting off going to the dentist cos its so damn expensive here (not subsidised).

X-rays showed a big black patch filling the centre of my tooth....its rotten and infected and I required a root canal ($NZD 700.00-1000.00) in order to save the tooth - or pull the tooth out (starting at $NZD 170.00).

There was no way I could pay (other than for the $55.00 consult) but they told me I might be able to get StudyLink to pay for the root canal. So I'm hanging on the phone line (over half an hour now) to find out if I'm entitled - but probably not because I am married.

Oops no....I've been cut off due to high call volumes so they're unable to take my call at this time.
Grrrrrrrr. I should bill them for the time I had to wait!!
Antibiotics (Flagyl) are on the menu now - upset stomach and more health related things to freak me out.

Still having bad anxiety and severe panic attacks. I have a review appointment with my psychiatrist this afternoon - the fluoxetine doesn't seem to be working anymore :(   That means we'll be looking at tapering down and changing to either a different SSRI or a TCA or something else. Maybe I'll get to try AVANZA?

Oh joy.......more trial and error - I'm just a guinea pig really aren't I?!!!

Still with the numbness, dizziness, unsteadiness....

Will keep anyone who is reading....posted!

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